Busureliame Project

Busureliame Korima project.JPG

Busuréliame is the Rarámuri expression for learning and means literally “inner awakening”.

True Messages has joined with Tierra Nativa NGP (which has sponsored the program since 2017) to provide support and resources for the Busureliame project under the leadership of Tarahumara visionary, leader, teacher, poet and recording artist, Makawi

Makawi has created, and with his team and teachers continues to develop, a cultural education program to guide Tarahumara children towards a deeper functional understanding of their language and culture in cooperation with the grade schools of the Sierra Tarahumara and the Municipal of Urique Chihuahua 

“Education of our children in our language and customs is our most fundamental right and responsibility, but our children are not learning well.   In order to learn well, our children must awaken. Their families must awaken.  Their communities must awaken.”  Makawi  

“Teaching the connectivity with Nature is awakening. Listening to the lessons of our grandfathers and grandmothers is awakening.  Showing respect for Nature and each other is awakening.   Listening to the chants of the owiruame (shamans) is awakening.  Listening to the birds, the wind, the waterfall is awakening.  Thinking while connected with nature is busuréliame.”  Makawi

We are extremely excited about the potential impacts this project will accomplish  The initial results have been incredible. Each year, the 60 Tarahumara children in the initial program are deepening their understanding of their own language and customs, but are also improving their progress in the school curricula.   After the first year, registration in junior high increased 30%.  Busuréliame is enabling the children to walk with one foot grounded in their culture with the other better capable of navigating the unavoidable world of the chabochi (non-indigenous people).   

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What is Korima?