Peter Smith a Mas Loco and True Messenger


The Mas Loco and True Messages family was heartbroken to hear that this mid January Peter had passed away after fighting an aggressive cancer for some time. As our friend Graham Kelly shared “Peter was as fine as man as you could meet”. He will be greatly missed by all those that loved him and that he loved. He will be with us forever.

This week marked the service to celebrate Peter’s life. Peter’s family had generously chosen a donation to True Messages as a way to honor Peter, knowing his great love for the people and the lands of the Sierra Tarahumara. We are joyful to be able to add a Trail Marker on the Caballo Blanco Trail in Peter’s honor.

Thanks for all your Korima and inspiration Amigo. Corre Libre!!

The following was shared with us today was some messages that a few had offered…

Folks, today was Peter's funeral - due to COVID many of us attended via webcast. Below are some words that his wife Theresa asked me (Graham Kelly) to write for the service. I think it captures some of the spirit of our friend.

In the book “Born to Run” Chris MacDougall wrote: “That was the real secret of the Tarahumara: they'd never forgotten what it felt like to love running. They remembered that running was mankind's first fine art, our original act of inspired creation. We are all Running People, as the Tarahumara have always known.” Peter knew that as well – the tributes and memories that were shared across the UK, USA, Mexico, Canada, Belgium and Germany by Pete’s Mas Loco family after his passing were an indication of the beautiful impact Peter made across the running community.

Closer to home, we ran Bushy Parkrun together on a couple of occasions. I noted how efficient the funnel system was at coping with over 1000 runners. Only recently his dear friend Brigid shared the full story: “ His enduring parkrun legacy will be the funnel letters - you may not be aware, but when we first hit the 1,000 runners on that infamous New Year's day he realized we could not carry on with the old system. He made a presentation to show how the letters would work, created the first set in his office” Some notes from close friends….

Mike (Mexico) - He always reminded me of the classic British explorer type. A complete gentleman on one hand but never afraid to charge off into the brush for an adventure in a savage land (or run 100 miles in sandals) and completely unfazed by it all.

Claire (Arizona) I told my family that Peter passed since they met him in London when he toured the city for us. My children’s father said “Only met him once but you know he is a good soul because those are the ones you remember well.”

Sally (Canada) Peter was a wonderful man with an adventurous spirit. I feel fortunate to have had the chance to know him and share some adventures with him.

Nici (England) He never once complained about runs with me taking way longer than they should because of my medical issues. One time we had to zip into a pub on the Isle of Dogs. “Ladies, Gents, do please step aside. This elite athlete needs to relieve herself and would rather not do so on your fancy shoes” Of the many memories I have, one favourite will continue to make me smile. Peter was a master of just making (and yes, on occasion missing) cut off times on the longer ultra runs. During the 53 mile Fling in Scotland he had scraped through the later controls with just minutes to spare. A few of us were nervously waiting at the red carpet finish line only to see Peter come round the corner in an impressive spring finish, folded poles in hand and his favourite Luna sandals barely touching the ground.

Sally summed up the feeling of many “I knew this news was coming one day but wasn’t prepared for it yet.” One of Peter’s finest qualities was defining what it really meant to be a gentleman and a gentle man. We were all better for sharing life and miles with him. As a permanent legacy, a trail marker will be placed in the Copper Canyons by the board members of the families chosen charity “True Messages” Corre Libre Amigo


Corre Libre Run


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